New Basic Tutorial!

I have just finished uploading a new basic tutorial on MonoGame. It covers getting set up with MonoGame in Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code. It also talks about key game programming concepts instead of making a game. You can find the link to the tutorial on the MonoGame Tutorial page of my site.

What’s Next?

I’m thinking of returning to either Shadow Monsters or Eyes of the Dragon. It’s been a while since I’ve looked at either of them. I might spawn new versions of them and fix things that weren’t as good as they could have been.

My Projects

I’ve been focusing more on writing than coding the past month. I enjoy both equally. That is why I write tutorials, it combines both things that I love. I’ve started the third and final book in my series about Natasha, a young transgender woman. It follows her story from her early transition to getting her gender reassignment surgery. The second book is published on Medium and I am considering publishing the prequel there as well.

Final Thoughts

It is good to be back in the saddle writing tutorials. I hope to carve more time out for it, like I did this evening. Otherwise, I only have about an hour a day to devote to tutorials and my projects. It’s hard to get a lot done in that time frame. I encourage you to keep visiting the site, though. I plan on adding more posts and tutorials.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!