Loooonnnngggg Day

It’s been a very long day. I’ve been working tirelessly on a project for a client at work. It is automating processes for them to analyze data. It is pretty dry, not near as enjoyable as working on a game or writing something. I have a few minutes to spare so I thought I would drop a little note.

What’s Next?

Well, I plan on doing a tutorial on MonoGame and mobile platforms, so stay tuned! I will cover deploying to emulators, handling touch and different resolutions. It probably won’t be this weekend, I’ve got quite a full weekend ahead.

My Projects

I’m still working on my card game. It is like Dominion, a game that I’ve recently discovered and really liked. It is also a little like Magic: The Gathering. I think that it is different enough to avoid copyright problems. I’ve been focusing on Android recently. It is going slowly but I’m making good progress.

Final Thoughts

Work has me pretty busy. That on top of my fiancee, I don’t have a lot of time to devote to my projects or tutorials. I’m easing back into tutorials. I’m still thinking of starting a video channel on YouTube, so keep your eyes open for that!

Good luck with your game programming adventures!