What Is Happening?

Well, I’ve been doing some work on my game in preparation for a new tutorial. I want to cover deploying to iPhone and Android. iPhone is the harder platform of the two. I’m still thinking about making it a video tutorial instead of a text tutorial.

What’s Next?

I’m working out the details for a tutorial on deploying to emulators in Android and iPhone. I’m also looking at making my old tutorials cross-platform, making them work on Windows, Mac, Android and iPhone. Keep an eye out for them!

My Projects

So, I’ve been working on my project as time permits. I spend more time play testing than coding. I think that I have a very fun game. I still need to work on making the computer a bit more intelligent and being able to use cards that have special abilities. They work for human players but I need to program them for the computer. Once that is done, I will be continuing on with human-v-human mode.

Final Thoughts

I might not be writing every day, but I will be writing. I’m still looking into doing video tutorials instead of just writing.

Stay tuned for more. Good luck with your game programming adventures!