Next Tutorial’s Status, Again

It feels like all I’ve done this month is post blog entries on the status of the next Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 tutorial. But, to be honest, it has been a bit of a rough month. Excuses aside, I have made good progress on the next Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 tutorial. I now have the daunting task of writing up the code and making sure I haven’t missed any of the changes. That is easy enough to do, thanks to Visual Studio.

What’s Next?

Well, as I said above, the next tutorial will be an Eyes of the Dragon tutorial. This tutorial begins laying the foundation of the role-playing game system. It is a version of the SPECIAL system used in a favourite game of mine, Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader. That was a real-time game, and ours will be a turn-based game. As part of laying the foundation, we need to be able to create a character. This tutorial covers creating characters. Unfortunately, there are many moving parts, so the code is rather long. However, I don’t see an alternative around just barfing it up. It will be a pain copying/pasting it.

My Projects

I did want to work on Shadow Monsters tonight, but I ended up not doing that. I spent most of the day coding and just didn’t have it in me this evening. I could have worked on the map, but I didn’t feel that either. So what I plan to do over the next few days is update my video of my progress and my dev vlog to show I’ve made some significant updates.

Final Thoughts

I know I have taken my time getting a new tutorial out. There are a number of factors that have caused this. I know, saying it was a matter of time is like saying that I just didn’t want to. However, if I had devoted the time to this, I would have had to take time away somewhere else. It’s always a balancing act when it comes to time. I was going to say there’s only one more work day left this week when it dawned on me it is only Wednesday. Anyway, I’m going to end this entry here. I will be back again tomorrow with another episode of game programming adventures.


PS Yes, I’ve been experimenting with the ending. I’m close to having it the way I like.