New Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 Tutorial, Part 12

I have finally uploaded a new tutorial! This tutorial adds a character generator to the game. It isn’t final, but I couldn’t add more to it as it was getting long enough. Characters will use the SPECIAL system based on a ten-sided die. To check if an action occurs, you roll a D10. If the roll is less than or equal to the attribute the action succeeds. A natural roll of one always succeeds, and a natural roll of ten always fails. You can find the tutorial on my site’s Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 page, or you can use this direct link.

What’s Next?

Wow, that tutorial took a long time. It is published now, and that is what is important. The next tutorial will be another Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 tutorial. To be honest, I haven’t decided what the tutorial will cover. I think I will continue with mechanics, though I haven’t decided. Look for the tutorial over the weekend. That is the plan, at least.

My Projects

I will be working on Shadow Monsters over the weekend. First, I will be transforming the game to use render targets rather than scaling vectors. After that, I will be modifying the combat system. Don’t get me wrong, it works. However, I feel that it could be better. Also, I want to adjust the mechanics. I’m thinking of implementing the SPECIAL system. It is a thought that has been rolling around in my mind.

Final Thoughts

That was quite a tutorial drought. However, I will not go so long without posting a tutorial again. I will be starting the next Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 tutorial today. I will publish it by Sunday at the latest. Just remember, I do have a life and responsibility outside of tutorials. They are an important part of my life, though. So, I will be working on them. I will be back again tomorrow with another episode of Game Programming Adventures.
