New Forest Rush 3.8.1 Tutorial! – Part 3

I have just finished uploading and updating my site’s Forest Rush 3.8.1 page with the newest tutorial, part 3 – Not Walking on Air. It adds a tile engine to the game, so the player’s sprite is not walking on air. Well, they still are because I haven’t implemented collision detection. They just can’t fall off of the map. You can find the link to the tutorial on the blog’s Forest Rush 3.8.1 page. You can also access it with this direct link.

What’s Next?

I have a few options open to me. Eyes of the Dragon and A Summoner’s Tale need tutorials. There is also the forest rush series that needs work. I think that the next tutorial will be for A Summoner’s Tale. It will either be the editor or a start on combat. If I decided to work on Eyes of the Dragon first, it would probably be on combat as well. I don’t think I will get to either of them until next weekend. I have a new project starting work that will require some overtime.

My Projects

When time permits, I will be working on Eyes of Ishanti. I have sufficient things working to begin on the level editor. I plan on creating a cross-platform-level editor so that I can work on my PC and my MacBook. I am mainly on my PC, but I would like to have the option to work on both. That does leave a problem with content, though. I have linked to content on my PC rather than copying it to my local project. I will need to figure out how to work around that.

Final Thoughts

It was a good weekend, and I accomplished a lot in my tutorials and games. Most likely, I will not be posting tomorrow. It is my birthday, and I want to do something special. At the moment, I’m not sure what that will be. It might be something simple like ordering a special dinner or visiting a nearby restaurant. I will see how I feel after the day, if I can stand being around people or if I want a quiet night in. Anyway, I wish you good luck with your game programming adventures.
