Next Eyes of the Dragon 4.0 Status

I have been working on the following Eyes of the Dragon tutorial. Sadly, I don’t see myself being able to finish it tonight. I’m about eighty percent of the way, but I have no gas left in the tank. If I hadn’t promised myself to post as often as possible, I probably wouldn’t be writing this. This tutorial is all about the tile engine. It is 98% the one I use in my game Silver Prophet. It will be 100% after I add in more features that I have yet to cover. There are just components I’ve never covered in my tutorials before.

What’s Next?

At some point tomorrow, I will finish tutorial 4 in EOTD 4.0. However, I have a birthday brunch, so it might not be until the afternoon. So, after this EOTD tutorial, I will bounce back to A Summoner’s Tale. I will be adding some of the features to it that I plan to add to EOTD. And, wait for it… I will add Android. I would add iOS, but I still have problems setting up my MacBook to compile the projects. I’m having a problem with remote connections from Visual Studio. Also, I can’t build on my MacBook because of missing NuGet packages.

My Projects

Tomorrow is screenshot Saturday, and I want to post something new! So, I’m committing to working on Shadow Monsters. I will work on battling monsters. I have enough sprites ready to go. It is more a matter of sticking to it and not getting distracted. The latter is the one most likely to get me. I will think of something cool and fall down the rabbit hole.

Final Thoughts

Not much of a summation tonight. I need to stop looking at the screen, so I will end this here.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!