Some Bad News Today

Today I got a bit of bad news. I’ve been having problems with my vision, in particular with double vision. It is part of the reason I have been absent. It takes a lot of effort to see the screen and see the characters correctly. Unfortunately, the eye doctor didn’t have any answers today. So, I have another appointment with her next week to evaluate further and rerun some tests. Until then, I have to wear a patch over one eye to help combat the double vision. It makes it hard to wear my glasses, though, making it harder to read the screen. Increasing the zoom is assisting with that regard.

What’s Next?

Tomorrow I will be spending some time on tutorials. I don’t know that I will finish one, though. It will depend on how my vision fares during the process. Hopefully, I will be able to complete a short one. I want to fix the health and mana or stamina bug. Also, I want to update the character screen to make it a bit more appealing. I know that functionality is more important than form at this point, but there are times where I get fixated on looks.

My Projects

If my eyes hold up, I will spend some time on Silver Prophet. There are two things that I want to accomplish: redo the combat engine and update the maps. Also, I want to fix the conversation editor. It is currently broken, and creating the XML manually is a pain. There are other things that I want to accomplish, but those are the main ones.

Final Thoughts

My vision is at the forefront of my mind right now. I know of people who have vision problems and are software developers, and they do an excellent job of it. I am just hoping that it does not require surgery to repair the problem. That only a change in prescription is required. The optometrist said I might need prisms in my prescription. I hope that is the case. Tomorrow I will be working on a tutorial, and I hope to finish and post it. On Sunday, I will be at my sister’s place for Thanksgiving dinner, so I won’t be working on anything. So, I encourage you to keep visiting the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!