MonoGame RPG Tutorial 58 – Live

So, instead of working on my game last night, I started working on tutorial 58 in my MonoGame RPG tutorial series Eyes of the Dragon. Honestly, I expected it to take longer than it did. However, it turned out to be quite a brief tutorial. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the energy to post it after I had finished it, but I am posting it first thing this morning. The tutorial ends the switch to real-time combat. The tutorial can be found on the Eyes of the Dragon page of the blog. It can also be found at this direct link.

What’s Next?

I think the next step will be to work on the user experience. I am using a game from 1991 as the basis for the UX, so I guess it is time to bring it into the twenty-first century. Also, I might switch back to editor gear for a bit. The editors have really fallen behind the game. I have felt that the game is much more exciting to work on than the editors. As far as editors are concerned, things that need to be covered are creating spells and talents, placing mobs on the map, mapping items in the sprite sheet, and other changes to the map editor.

My Projects

So, my projects have really been stalled. I have been so focused on work and tutorials that I haven’t had the time or energy to work on them. It is something that I want to change, though. I want to get back to working on my projects. The first thing that I want to do is finish the Android version of Forest Rush. I want to get it on Google Play Store next month, which is only five days away. Also, I have the idea for a single-player collectible card game.

Final Thoughts

This last tutorial did not take as long as I thought it would. For that reason, it is up live on my Google Drive. As I mentioned, I think I am going to move to user experience for my next tutorial. At the very least, I want to add mouse support to the GUI controls. Also, I miss working on my projects. However, I am just one woman and can only do so much in a day. Therefore, I can’t juggle work, tutorials, and my projects. On that note, I am going to wrap up this blog post. I hope you will continue coming back to the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!