MonoGame RPG Tutorial 54 – Status

So, I did work on tutorial 54 in my Eyes of the Dragon tutorial series today. I finished what I set out to do; fix the bug in levelling up a character, and update the character stats screen. I’m not satisfied with releasing that as a tutorial, though. There is not a lot of content, to be honest. Mostly it is repeated code. So, I will not be releasing it today. I want to find another topic to include in the tutorial before I release it. At this point, I’m not sure what I will write more to write.

What’s Next?

I need to take some time and find a short topic to include in this tutorial. Something is more than just simple code and requires some explanation. As always, if you have a suggestion, drop a comment, and I will cover that. After this tutorial, I will revisit the combat engine. Mostly, I will better balance it. I’m considering making it real-time instead of turn-based. My only concern there is having the sprites for it. I could do something with the massive image that I am using for inventory, I guess.

My Projects

I don’t think that I will work on my projects today. Instead, I think I will kick back and watch a movie, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. That will depend on how my eye fares. I had a problem watching Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring last night. After that, I will definitely be playing a bit of Magic The Gathering Arena. I have a black and white deck that I enjoy playing. I was playing it before it became a top decklist. I might use my draft token, though. I will see how I feel after the movie.

Final Thoughts

I’m not happy with the latest tutorial as it stands now. I could put it up into my Google Drive. However, it feels like the reader will be left wanting more. For that reason, I am holding off putting it up. I want it to be a best-effort, not a half effort. I just don’t know what I will include at this point. I will have to play the game a bit and see what I come up with to add. I’ve considered adding another type of mob: a warlock. The warlock would drop things that wizards and priests could use.

As I mentioned earlier, please drop a comment if there is something you would like to see covered. I will do my best to cover the topic. So, please keep coming back to the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures.