It was a dark and dismal day…

Okay, all kidding aside, it is a pretty dismal day here today. Hopefully, it is a better day tomorrow for the kids and their trick or treating. I sometimes wish I was 12 again, going out trick or treating and then gorging myself on candy. Ah, the simpler days.

Anyway, today will hopefully be better when I pick my glasses up in a few hours. It will be nice to be able to see just one of each word again. I don’t know what I will do if the glasses don’t work out. I suppose I will be left wearing an eye patch, not my preferred resolution to the problem.

What’s Next?

I started work on the next tutorial in the MonoGame RPG tutorial series last night. The focus of this tutorial will be on quests. Unfortunately, I will be scrapping some of it. It was just not working out the way that I envisioned it. So I will need to rethink my approach and start again. I hope to work on it this afternoon and this evening. Hoping against all hope that my new prescription makes it easier to work on the computer.

My Projects

My projects are still on hiatus. I just don’t have time to work on them. If I did, I would probably work on Forest Rush first, and then when that is done, move back to Silver Prophet because I want to finish an RPG and publish it. As I’ve said before, game programming is easy. However, quality content creation is hard. I have the story all planned out. It is creating the maps that is challenging me. Also, the assets are a challenge. I know where I would get music. Sprites, however, are the problem area.

Final Thoughts

I will be spending time on a tutorial today. However, I don’t know if I will finish it today. I plan to have the quest system in place this weekend. I will be returning to my lesson preparation tomorrow, though, as I want to start teaching again now that I have settled in at work. Again, happy to be getting my new glasses today. So, I encourage you to keep visiting the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!