
So, the title says it all. I’m feeling frustrated today. Mainly, it is the spam comments on the blog that I have to keep trashing. The spam has been going on for a month, and frankly, I’m tired of it. It wouldn’t be so bad if it were from the same email all the time. At least that way, I could block the email. But instead, it is different emails and IP addresses, but always one of two user names. I don’t want to shut down comments because of it. I also don’t want to add another module to WordPress to handle spam for me. Sorry for the rant, but it is frustrating me. Also, I’m frustrated by how long it is taking to get my new glasses. I had hoped to have them by this past Saturday. Now, I am questioning that I will have them by this Saturday.

What’s Next

As I wrote yesterday, the next tutorial will be the fourth in the going real-time tutorials. I will cover actually activating spells and talents. I will start with self-targeting spells since they are the easier of the two types of spells. (I am going to use spell meaning spell or talent.) In the following tutorial, I am not so sure about the topic. I know that I mentioned yesterday that I want to update the UX, user experience. After all, when I started the tutorials, the UX was based on a computer game from 1991, Darklands. That was thirty years ago. God, do I feel old now! I have been feeling nostalgic this past year, and I actually got it on sale from GOG. I’ve played it a little, but I always die quickly. I don’t remember it being so hard. If there is a game you suggest, I model the UX off of, drop a comment in the comments section.

My Projects

So, my project work has been non-existent. I’ve either had work to do, been working on tutorials, or just dealing with life. I would like to get back to my projects, though. I am missing doing programming for me. The last time was many weeks ago; I can’t recall how many. I’ve loaded the project a few times but haven’t had the opportunity to actually modify the code or do any graphical work. I think when I finish here, I will work on Forest Rush a bit. I want to make it at least a little more challenging. Not too difficult, however. I don’t want people to get frustrated and uninstall the game because they can’t make any progress. Once I am done with Forest Rush, I want to do something a little more substantial but not as complex as a full-blown RPG.

Final Thoughts

I did run out of steam, working on three tutorials over the past three days. I just couldn’t open up Eyes of the Dragon this evening. Granted, when I signed into the blog to make a post and found all of the comments, I completely lost heart in it. Though I want to work on my project, I don’t know that I will do that either. I will see what the evening brings. So, I encourage you to keep visiting the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.

Good luck with your game programming adventures!