MonoGame RPG Tutorial 35

MonoGame RPG Tutorial 35

So, I uploaded tutorial 35 in my MonoGame RPG tutorial series Eyes of the Dragon to my Google Drive. This tutorial finishes off conversations with NPCs. The tutorial is available on the Eyes of the Dragon 3.0 page of my blog. Also, it can be accessed with this direct link.

What’s Next

So, the next two tutorials from the original XNA tutorial series were about animated tiles and placing them with the editor. Because they are about the same thing I will be combining them into one. After that I will be creating original content for the series. One topic I will definitely be covering is a combat engine. I’m thinking of a Pokemon like battle engine. I hit you, you hit me, etc. until the fight is over. I’m also thinking a text based combat engine like in the old school Bard’s Tale games. I may also do an automated system similar to what I’m using in Silver Prophet, there are just so many options.

My Projects

As well as tutorials, I will be working on Quintessential Duels. It is mostly complete, it just needs a little more polish. I also need to setup my Google Play page for the Android version. Take a video, grab some screenshots, etc. I’m also going to look at doing a UWP version for the Windows Store.

Final Thoughts

I’m looking forward to finishing porting the XNA tutorials to MonoGame and doing some fresh new content for the series. There’s still a lot of ground to cover as far as RPGs are concerned. My projects are coming along, slowly, but I’m making progress.

So, I encourage you to keep visiting the blog for the latest news on my tutorials and other goodness.