Training Troops Updated

I have just uploaded the fourth tutorial in the Dragon’s Claw tutorial series to the blog. This tutorial continues on with training troops and processing the queues of troops to be trained. It also creates a NodeJS package to call the server every hour to process the queue. You can find the tutorial on the Web Programming Tutorials page of the web site or you can use this direct link.

What’s Next

I’m thinking that the next tutorial that I will be working on it an Eyes of the Dragon tutorial. I had started one but never finished it because it was getting complicated. I might roll everything back and start fresh. At least fresh for that tutorial. Now that I have the old XNA tutorials again I will start pulling those in rather than doing everything from scratch. It should speed things up a bit. Though, what I was working from is more advanced than Eyes of the Dragon XNA so it’s hard to say.

My Projects

For the rest of the day I will be working on my projects, Quintessential Duels in particular. It is close to being done and I’d like to see it in circulation. I will be distributing it through and on the Google Play Store. If it takes off I will port it to Mac and iOS. I’d also like to port it to the different Linux distributions.

Final Thoughts

Things are moving along at a good pace. The blog is really coming along nicely since Christmas. I’ve published a number of tutorials, especially in the MonoGame For The Absolute Beginner series. I’m considering moving them to a page of their own. If the number continues to grow I probably will. So, keep checking back. I have more tutorial goodness planned.