Psibernetic Games
I spent the day working on the web site for my game company, Psibernetic Games. As I’ve mentioned I’m doing it with React and it is going rather well. I have an early build up on my site It is both PC and mobile friendly, fully responsive. The skeleton works but it needs content. I’ve listed my two games in development, Quintessential Duels and Lost Fate. Both of them are are collectable card games. Quintessential duels will be available on PC and Android. Depending on its success it may be available on Mac and iOS. Lost Fate is played in a browser and is also a free to play game. It is currently in development, very early, and will likely be moved to React as will.
I worked on a tutorial a bit as well, an Eyes of the Dragon tutorial. I didn’t get far. However, I plan on finishing it this evening. The plan is to have it on the blog tomorrow.

What’s Next
I think that I will be sticking with. Eyes of the Dragon for a bit before moving to other areas, like MonoGame For The Absolute Beginner or HTML5. I want to get them all ported to MonoGame and then finish the series. Being almost half way through feels good. Finishing them will feel even better.
My Projects
My projects currently are Psibernetic Games and Quintessential Duels. Both have equal priority because they are interdependent. I want the web site ready for the launch of Quintessential Duels. However, I want Quintessential Duels finish so I have content for the web site. For Quintessential Duels I need to find a way to merge two documents. I added code to my Windows base that I need to bring into the Android base but retain the code specific to Android.
Final Thoughts
I am making good progress on my projects and my tutorials. I have the skeleton for my website finished and can now move on to content. Porting the XNA tutorials to MonoGame is about half way done. I have plans for some other tutorials, in the MonoGame For The Absolute Beginner and HTML5. Things have been solid since Christmas.