MonoGame For The Absolute Beginner is a tutorial series that are written for the absolute beginner in MonoGame. They assume that the reader is proficient with C#.
MonoGame For The Absolute Beginner – Part Two
This is the second tutorial in the Absolute Beginner tutorial series. This tutorial is about moving a sprite with the keyboard. It also covers keeping the sprite on the window and having it move at a constant rate regardless of direction and frame rate. The tutorial is on the MonoGame Tutorials page or you can access it with this direct link on my Google Drive. This is the output of the game.

Tutorials Update
I will be working on the next tutorial in the Absolute Beginner tutorial series today. I hope to have it available on the web site tomorrow, maybe today depending on workload. These tutorials, and the new blog, have me excited and writing again. I feel energized and ready to pump out some new tutorials. Please check back on the blog for the latest updates on my tutorials. You can also follow me on Facebook, @GameProgramminAdventures, or Twitter, @LadySynammon, for the latest news on my tutorials as wekk.
Site News
I am continuing to work on enhancing the site to make it friendlier and easier to search. It is so much easier it is to customize and optimize with many more options. I like blogging with it and it is nice to see the results of all my labors. I think the site is really coming together. It is friendly for both desktop and mobile devices.
My Projects
As well as working on the next tutorial in the Absolute Beginner series I will be working on my projects. My current project is Quintessential Duels. It is a variation of the Triple Triad min-game from Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy XIV. Instead of a 3 by 3 grid the game is played on a 5 by 5 grid with decks of 13 cards. It will be available on Windows, Linux and Android with an eventual port to Mac. The Windows and Linux versions are almost complete. Th the Android version coming soon after. Here are some screen shots of the work in progress.